Children's weight-enhancing vitamins can be easily obtained from eating fruits, vegetables and other types of food. Vitamin intake is very useful in meeting the nutritional needs of children who are underweight. Meanwhile, vitamin supplements should be given based on doctor's advice.
Giving vitamins is often known as supplementation, this is not entirely wrong, but it needs to be understood that vitamin intake is actually found in a variety of natural sources with various benefits. Food intake containing vitamins will facilitate the absorption of iron and other nutrients, so that it can also affect a child's appetite.
Various Vitamins Needed
Experts recommend that adequate intake of vitamins A, C, and D in order to support the growth and weight of children. The good news, the source of this vitamin can be obtained quite easily from consuming vegetables and fruits.
The following are vitamin weight-enhancing children that can be obtained from food and beverage sources:
Vitamin A
Vitamin A works to maintain healthy eyes and skin. Vitamin A is very important for infants and children to strengthen the immune system or the immune system, helps the Little One's vision in the dim light, and is also good for skin health. Vitamin A contains antioxidants that are good for the immune system so that it helps growth and development. The best sources of vitamin A are shrimp, eggs, carrots, spinach, broccoli, turnips, sweet potatoes, mangoes, avocados and dairy products.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C helps the absorption of iron from food that enters the body. Iron functions to maintain endurance, keep blood flowing smoothly and help appetite. The best source of vitamin C can be found in oranges, mangoes, pineapples, strawberries, papayas, kiwi, tomatoes, broccoli, and pepper.
Vitamin D
Vitamin D is needed for calcium absorption and metabolism as well as for endurance, so it is good for the child's growth and development process, especially for bone growth. Vitamin D is limited in foods such as cheese, egg yolks, chicken liver, tuna, salmon, mackerel, orange juice, milk, soy, and cereals. Vitamin D can be formed by the body with the help of morning sun exposure. Therefore, sunbathing for at least 15 minutes at the right time, ie before 10:00 at least two to three times a week, it is recommended to help the formation of vitamin D which is beneficial for growth.
Five Portions of Vegetables and Fruits Every Day
Do not be too quick to assume the child's weight is less than it should. Consult with your doctor to ensure this, before taking vitamin supplements or other supplements. Throughout the Little Eats consume healthy foods with balanced nutrition on a regular basis.
You can also give fresh fruit and vegetables, which are about the size of a child's fist. Give at least five servings every day. This portion can be sufficient for vitamin intake for Little.
In most children, lack of weight is usually due to the child's tendency to have the habit of choosing the type of food, like to eat snacks, and low appetite. In addition, some children also experience rapid weight changes.
If the child does not want to eat and tends to choose certain types of food, then a child's weight-enhancing vitamin supplement can be an option. Consult your doctor about weight-enhancing vitamin supplements that fit your child's needs. This vitamin supplement is available in various dosage forms, from oral drops to syrups and lozenges with an attractive flavor.
It is the obligation of parents to meet the nutritional needs of children. Try to be creative in design, shape, color and variety of flavors, when preparing food for low-weight children. Thus, it is hoped that Little One can be persuaded to eat foods that are healthy and complete with nutrition.
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