Sick defecation is a symptom that indicates a certain number of conditions. However, painful bowel movements that often occur during menstruation should be watched as a symptom of endometriosis.
A number of health conditions associated with painful bowel movements include constipation, anal fissure, irritable bowel syndrome or other conditions such as kidney infections to colon cancer and colorectal cancer (colon and rectum).
Abdominal Wall Growth Abnormalities
One of the causes of painful bowel movements during menstruation in women is endometriosis. Endometriosis is an abnormality in the growth of the lining in the uterus (endometrium) that is outside its proper place. Endometriosis sufferers are generally experienced by women aged 25-40 years. The cause of endometriosis is not known with certainty, but is known to be related to heredity, hormonal changes, and side effects of pelvic surgery. In addition to painful bowel movements, endometriosis sufferers will experience a variety of conditions in the form of:- Constipation or diarrhea
- Nausea and vomiting
- Abdominal cramps during menstruation that are very painful
- Chronic back and pelvic pain
- Pain during or after sex
- Having infertility or infertility
- Swelling and disorders of the intestines and bladder.
- Closing the fallopian tube in the ovary. Blood held in the ovary can result in cyst formation.
- The formation of scar tissue and tissue adhesions. This scarring causes pelvic pain and makes it difficult for women to give birth.
Diagnosis and Treatment Steps
The diagnosis of endometriosis is done through an examination around the location of the body that hurts to estimate the condition that is experienced along with the cause. Patients will be asked to tell the symptoms they are experiencing, then the doctor will do a physical examination, including pelvic examination, and other supporting examinations such as ultrasound or examination by the method of laparoscopy. Management of endometriosis depends on the severity of the disease and the symptoms experienced. A number of treatments by doctors to deal with endometriosis are by taking pain medication, hormone therapy, and surgery.Prevent Defecation in Pain During Menstruation
Some of the following tips can be applied to prevent painful bowel movements during menstruation, including:- Consume water of at least two liters per day.
- Limit drinks containing caffeine and stop consuming alcoholic beverages.
- Exercise more than four hours a week. Exercise or exercise can help reduce body fat levels, until the production of the hormone estrogen falls. Do light and practical exercises such as walking for a maximum of 30 minutes every two days.
- Consult your doctor about using birth control devices or contraceptives that contain hormones such as birth control pills.
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