Defecation is not smooth, often known as constipation or constipation. This is a common condition that can affect people of all ages. If you experience it, it means you cannot defecate regularly or you cannot empty your intestines properly.
Constipation can also cause your stools to become hard, large, or even small. The severity of defecation does not vary smoothly from person to person, many experience in a short time, but some are long-term conditions.
This is the reason for defecation is not smooth
Having a bowel movement is not smooth indicating that your bowel movements become heavy or weak. Bowel movements in each person is different and very varied. There are some people who defecate three times a day, but there are also some who defecate once or twice a week. Some things that cause bowel movements are not smooth, including:Lifestyle and food menu
Poor diet and an inactive lifestyle are the most common causes of defecation. Lack of exercise and eating too much fast food can also interfere with your digestive health. Some risk factors related to diet that can make you feel constipated include dairy products, foods high in fat and sugar, lack of fiber foods (such as fruits, vegetables, and grains), lack of water and other fluids, frequent consumption of caffeinated or alcoholic drinks .
Non-defecation can also be caused by side effects from medications that are prescribed to you. If you take a medicine and feel defecation is not smooth or not as usual, immediately ask your doctor. Because, there are some common drugs that can cause you to experience constipation, such as diuretics, antacids, antidepressants, supplements such as iron, anticonvulsants, and antihypertension. Too often using laxatives can also affect the pattern of bowel movements.
Certain health conditions
In addition, defecation or constipation can also be a side effect or a symptom of many health conditions. In this condition, the stool passes through the large intestine more slowly, which is why you experience defecation or constipation. Irritable bowel syndrome or IBS is also one of the most common causes of defecation. Other health conditions such as stroke, colon cancer, stress, Parkinson's disease, spinal cord injury, hypothyroidism, pregnancy, diabetes, lupus, and aging.
Eat more fiber.
Defecation is not smooth, almost always caused by insufficient fiber and fluid. Fiber and fluids can make the intestine work smoothly and make you easy to defecate. Good sources of fiber are fruits, vegetables, legumes and cereals. In addition, you are advised to consume as much as 1.5 to 2 liters of water a day, unless your doctor limits fluid intake for you. Fiber and water work together to make you defecate regularly. Avoid caffeinated drinks because they can cause you to become dehydrated. Avoid dairy products because some people often experience defecation when not consuming them.
Manage stress
Stress can sometimes make the large intestine experience a strain or strain, and cause pain and stool to become hard. Stress reduction techniques can improve symptoms of constipation or constipation. This includes sports, meditation, and yoga.
Exercise regularly
Do everything that can make you active, at least 30 minutes a day, and try routine for one week.
Do not delay to go to the bathroom
If you feel like defecating, immediately go to the bathroom.
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